Saturday, April 29, 2017

Andrew “Fo-Fo” Gilich, Mayor of Biloxi Lowers State Flag

Image result for Andrew “Fofo” Gilich


Another Mississippi City Lowers Confederate-Themed Flag 


Just as I suspected FoFo is another Nikki Haley with reverence for his own Croation culture, but no ties to our honorable Southern culture and he could care less about ours but wants to remember his!

This is no Southern turn coat for his family has only been here for 3 generations so they have no ties to our Confederate past! Instead he is a misinformed, politically correct ladder climbing millionaire politician who has fallen for the race baiter's bait!

Just like Nikki Haley-------Thank God, Trump moved her bigoted ass out of Dixie! However there is no excuse for Benedict Arnold Bentley, as shamefully, his Southern roots go deep, all the way back to Confederate ancestors!

Disgustedly yours,


  1. As Nathan Bedford Forrest may gave said, "We need to apply a liberal dose of hemp!"

    And not the smokeable type.


  2. I am an Eastern European (Baltic, to be more specific) immigrant who grew up in the South (Oklahoma) and have sided with Southern/Confederate heritage ever since my childhood. I am enfuriated at how many immigrants to the US settle in the South and then turn on the heritage of their new homeland. And what is it with numerous Southern politicians with Southern/Confederate roots who disrespect their heritage? I'm thinking of former Governor Bush in Texas,former South Carolina Governors Haley and Beasley and former Governor Jim Gilmore in my relatively new adoptive home state of Virginia. All of the politicians I just mentioned are/were from Abraham Lincoln's party.

    1. Thank ySouthern politicians with Southern/Confederate roots who disrespect their heritage? I'm thinking of former Governor Bush in Texas,former South Carolina Governors Haley and Beasley and former Governor Jim Gilmore in my relatively new adoptive home state of Virginia

      Power and filthy lucre.
