Sunday, March 12, 2017

Lucian Wintrich: I Was Assaulted in White House Press Room – Here Is My Report

Via Billy


Dear Mr. Baier,

I want you to know what happened at the White House involving one of your employees yesterday 
I’ve recently been credentialed for White House briefings via Gateway Pundit and was, of course, fully prepared for blowback from the MSM and left-of-center media. I must admit that I was not at all prepared for the treatment I received from a Fox News radio correspondent.

I arrived at the White House Press Briefing Room on Friday and was simply standing in line for the bathroom. I was accosted by Fox’s Jon Decker, who loudly informed the entire room that I hate blacks, women, Hispanics, Jews, and other minorities. I was astounded.

Decker then blocked me from entering the rest room. He physically cornered me.

I took a few steps back, at which point he began asking, “Who is Pepe?” I told him that it was simply an internet meme, but that I really needed to use the restroom. When I attempted to inch past him, he physically shoved me. When I exited the men’s room, he was waiting outside, and stalked me into the briefing room.

At this point, things turned ugly. Mr. Decker grabbed my arm in a very aggressive manner, and loudly informed the roomful of MSM journalists that I was “anti-black, anti-Jew, anti-woman” and writing for a Nazi publication.

In an attempt to reason with him, I asked Mr. Decker if he had read anything I had ever written, or even anything on my employer’s website. He disregarded the question and continued to shout about my alleged bigotry and the website I represent.

For the record: 

·      I am the grandson of Holocaust survivors who fought in the Polish Resistance against the Third Reich.

·      I find the accusation that I am — in any fashion — affiliated with Nazis, neo-Nazis or anti-Semites to be beyond absurd – and, frankly extremely offensive.

·      Decker called me anti-Hispanic. My boyfriend is Hispanic, although I shouldn’t need to discuss my relationships with minorities to defend myself from baseless accusations of bigotry.

Mr. Baier, what do you plan to do about this? I accepted a job to cover the White House briefings for Gateway Pundit. Was this incident with Mr. Decker an aberration or the “new normal” for Fox News?

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