Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Treasonous Conspiracies Against the Government of the United States of America = The 1861 Baltimore Riot and resulting uprising would pale in comparison?

Via Iver

NavyJack – Treasonous Conspiracies Against the Government of the United States of America



Over the past 5 days, the nation has experienced major protests in 12 Democratic Party controlled cities and minor protests in many others. In each case, the protests were sponsored by organizations that openly support the overthrow of the United States, promote communism or promote a social agenda; including The Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Black Lives Matter, La Raza and MEChA.

Protesters proudly carried red communist flags emblazoned with the Soviet hammer and sickle, as well as Mexican flags, while they in turn burned American flags.

 The logistics, transportation, signs, promotional activities and leadership have all been provided at significant expense to these organizations. Protests have turned violent in Oakland, Los Angeles and Portland. Physical attacks have occurred against the supporters of the President Elect in many other cities.

More @ Oathkeepers

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