Sunday, April 3, 2016

World War II - German Soldiers


  1. I assume they were in a war they did not want to be in.

  2. Fought and killed our own people. For what? For nothing.
    General Patton admired the Germany people.

    1. Just change uniforms and you wouldn't know they were American, English or French, I imagine.

  3. Forgot: Open ENLARGED below, then click on the magnifying glass and read a wonderful family story.

    The tragic end of Anneliese and her family
    Tante Marie........

    Tante Marie (born in Richmond, married her German cousin, who held a doctoral degree of what we don't know, and lived there through both world wars) was the aunt of my brother-in-law, a VMI graduate. My sister complied a book which has her correspondence with the Army, government and her brother in Richmond from 1945 until 1949 when she returned to this country. There are many fascinating letters. She had more food during the war years living in Germany than she had the two years after when the allies were in control. Wrap your mind around that. Also, they were terrified of the Russians and one of her relatives lived through days of horrid Russian occupation, but after they left and she found that they were returning, killed herself and her children. Imagine the horror.

    Neuwied, June 15,1946

    "Did you ever get the letter telling you of the tragic end of Anneliese and her family? No one of you mentioned it. She was in Dresden with her mother and sister when the Russians came in. He husband died in the war several years ago. She and her two dear little boys, her mother and sister committed suicide out of fear of future happenings. How she must have suffered to be induced to such."

    1. I could not even imagine the paralyzing fear. To kill
      ones self before facing what is known to come speaks
      volumes. Insanity rules. I remember your story of
      the little children running thru the streets and their
      shoes catching fire, their feet melting. I wish all
      involved in the massacre was haunted until their death. What stories they must have told their loved

    2. Just realized that I should have stated open ENLARGED at the link below, but you evidently figured it out. :)


      To kill ones self before facing what is known to come speaks volumes.

      Funny, I just stumbled across a bad link on a post from 2012, corrected and re-posted it.

      Tu Sat (War Suicide) in Viet Nam
