Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bingo! They Read Our Minds! Colorado GOP Leader to Disgruntled Trump Supporter: Go Ahead and Burn the Party Down

Via Billy

 Image result for bonfire

My letter (email):
GOPe sellouts & stooges,
I guess you haven’t learned YOUR lesson, you saw what we did to the state senate president who betrayed us and voted for the anti-2nd Amendment Bills, we recalled her, what do you think we will do to you for selling us out and joining the #NeverTrump cabal?
Let me be abundantly clear so there is no mistake, WE WILL BURN THE WHOLE FUCKING PARTY TO THE GROUND ON ELECTION DAY! We will do one of three things, stay home, vote for 3rd party candidates (ones who don’t have a chance of winning) or cast our lot with the despicable Democrats and destroy the GOP for a generation, it’ll take over a decade to recover from those losses and I’m talking boycotting the entire Republican ticket here, no exceptions.
So you now have a choice, invalidate the caucus held over the weekend and hold a “fair” caucus or face our wrath in November. Go ahead cross us at your own peril, you know we are pissed off already by the share of votes Donald J. Trump has received in the Primary Elections held until this point. Think long and hard, ask yourselves “is it worth destroying our entire party for over a decade and suffering a loss from which we may never recover or is it better to listen to the voters and not the RINOs/GOPe (elites)?”
Signed, a 53 year old Colorado Registered Republican voter & Trump supporter
PS. I DID support Ted Cruz until he screwed Chris McDaniel in Mississippi, sold us out by championing TPP, gave Obama the ok to negotiate with Iran and began his dishonest campaign for president, now I wouldn’t elect him dogcatcher.
Steve House’s reply:


Thank you for your note. *Go ahead and burn the party down if that is what it takes to put this country on the right track then I am open to anything.

*We shall.


  1. I don't care about any party. I care about the Constitution and both parties have been spiting on it for years.

  2. Well it seems that the soap box and ballot box no longer work. Time for the cartridge box.

  3. Agreed. If we have to burn something this time, let it be Washington. Been coming for a long time. OMG, that is so Sherman like of me...forgive me :)

    1. Maryland and Virginia should just take back their land. Reminds me of bumper stickers years go referring to ruination of Atlanta: Where Is General Sherman Now That We Need Him The Most?" :)

  4. Keep plenty of matches and Bic lighters in your preps.
