Saturday, March 5, 2016

"We intend to fight the Yankees to the last drop of bourbon."

l johnson

Sayings By or For Southerners, Part XXVI

A friend’s encounter with a clergyman:  His mission, he says, is Social Justice.  Our South Carolina governor, when she removed the Confederate flag from the capitol grounds, had “a Jesus moment,” a Divine Revelation of Social Justice.  He hopes that  others will have such a Moment.  What impressed me most about this leader of the faith was not the arrogant complacency but the sheer stupidity.  
–Clyde Wilson

I did not believe more than I ever had, that the nation would unite indefinitely behind any Southerner.  One reason the country could not rally behind a Southern president, I was convinced, was that the metropolitan press of the Eastern Seaboard would never permit it.  My experience in office had confirmed this reaction.  I was not thinking just of the derisive articles about my style, my clothes, my manner, my accent, and my family—although I admit I received enough of that kind of treatment in my first few months as President to last a lifetime.  I was also thinking of a more deep-seated and far-reaching attitude—a disdain for the South that seems to be woven into the fabric of Northern experience.  This is a subject that deserves a more profound explanation than I can give it here—a subject that has never been sufficiently examined.     
–President Lyndon B. Johnson


  1. I have always saved my distain for the northeast. I would like to see the VN memorial but the location sucks.

    1. I like to Soldier's Monument there. There's a good one in Raleigh also.
