Sunday, March 13, 2016

No Wonder the Left Usually Wins--the Right is Nothing But a Hollow Shell

Via Billy

Image result for dems repubsame

I have been watching, this weekend, all the fuss over the Communist groups that managed to break up Trump's rally in Chicago. From Communist groups you expect this sort of thing. Since they can't intelligently debate their corrupt points their only alternative is to shout down their adversaries and try to shut them down and them blame their adversaries for it. This is the standard bill of fare for the lefties, proving that they really have nothing worthwhile to contribute and can get by with blaming the opposition for that fact.

What surprised me, though, was the people over on the right who spouted the exact same line the lefties did. Communist groups broke up Trump's rally and it was all Trump's fault according to many that are supposed to be "right-wingers." Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were among the headliners in this dog and pony show and when you begin to see "conservative" candidates pushing the same line at Hillary and Bernie you have to know something is wrong, dreadfully wrong.

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