Saturday, March 19, 2016

Insane: Nevada Assemblywoman: If You Were at Bundy Ranch and Had a Gun, Nevada Prosecutors are Looking to Arrest You within the Next Few Days


In an exclusive interview with Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore on Friday, she told Oathkeepers News Media Director Jason Van Tatenhove that Nevada prosecutors mentioned the fact that there was another round of "mass" arrests of American patriots who showed up in Bunkerville, Nevada at the Bundy Ranch siege in 2014 with a gun. "The Nevada prosecutor that was in Oregon last week, told an Oregon attorney today, Friday March 18 through the upcoming Tuesday, they will be doing another 'mass' amounts of arrests of anyone that was in Bunkerville with a firearm in 2014," she the Nevada Assemblywoman.

Pick up the video around the 9:00 mark for Fiore's comments on this issue and take time to educate yourself with the entire video on the updates she brings as she has really represented her people there in like no one I've ever seen do.


  1. This whole situation is flying so far under the main stream radar... no one is reporting on this and I fear this event and some other recent ones will come to be known as the time when the national police state started overtly, blatantly, and unabashedly excising their power to silence political dissidents.
    I'm so disappointed that there are no protests, call outs or even riots, that this is happening. I fully believe that Them getting away with this will only embolden them more, and the lack of any response from the tea party, 3%, or patriot movement, only shows that there are no teeth no heart behind the movements and membership and interest will only further wane... so disappointing...
