Saturday, March 5, 2016

Drinking and Skydiving

Via Bill

Hi Brock

This is Real  This happened a couple of days before Christmas in 1982.  Me and a friend had just left Perris Valley Paracenter Airport to go to Collidge AZ for the Christmas / New Year's Boogie and when we got there we were informed of "The Bounce!" at Perris !(right after we left) Well, when we got back after New Year's, the "Crater" was still there!! This is the Photo!  It looks like one I took but may be someone else's?  The Guy was doing his second static line jump and "Went in!"  His Family sue'd the DZ but the DZ got the Coroner's report which stated that his BAL (Blood Alcohol Level) was a (0.12) .08 being legally (DRUNK) to operate a motor vehicle and somehow he managed to go out to his car and take a couple of hits off a bottle of Jack before he went up! 'Signed statement before the jump...."Not under the influence of alcohol or drugs!"    Look Close!

When I am organizing a Skydive, I don't care what color you are, what sex you are, what race you are, I only want to know one thing...."Can You Skydive good enough to complete the task at hand on this Skydive?"

No that is not the "Bottom Line,"

The "Bottom Line" is,



  1. I did make a couple of skydives after the military and while I was attending college but never landed quite that hard. I took along another student who was going to enter Air Force flight training after college and didn't want to do his first parachute fall in flight training. I never ran into him after college and always hoped he did well.
