Saturday, March 12, 2016

Were Tariffs Indirectly a Redistribution of the Wealth?

Via Billy

Those who are in a rush to paint slavery as the one and only cause of the War of Northern Aggression do not care to talk about the tariff issue. Like the presence of the Forty-Eighters in the Union Army and in the Republican Party, tariffs, as a major cause of the War is a non-subject. They’d prefer not to talk about that because to do so deflects attention from the slavery issue, and all good cultural Marxists realize that nothing, but nothing, must detract from the slavery issue.

Years ago I did an article on the War for the old Sierra Times website and mentioned how the tariff issue had affected it. I got back a sarcastic email from a typical Yankee/Marxist type that said:

“Tariffs are a dead letter–period!” Suffice it to say that he and I disagreed, but I think he was more interested in influencing those who read my article than me. The thought that anyone would dare to consider any other cause for the War than slavery really ticked him off.

However, much to his chagrin, there were other causes. One of the major ones was the tariffs.


  1. Wealth redistribution it was and still is, and will be, until we are delivered out of the hands of the oppressors.

    I would like to read the book, but it's at least $160+ on Amazon, so no can do.

    Central Alabamaian

    1. Wow! It was $35 3 years ago, but I found this site that says they rent them. I didn't check further though.

    2. "22 used & new from $168.99"

      Must be all that 'destroying Confederate memorabilia' driving up the prices.

      I wonder how much the value of real Confederate currency has risen? Heh!

      Central Alabamaian

    3. A lot more than greenbacks, that's for sure. :)

  2. Tariff, tariff and tariff, as always follow the $....Lincoln touched the topic in his inauguration...he wouldn't touch slavery but would enforce custom/tariff duties.....a nice one to add on deniers is the fact that they wouldn't bring Jefferson Davis to court after the war for being a traitor as they knew they'd lose and that this would unravel "what," they won from the war showing that in fact the South was right.

    1. My G, G Grandfather - Tariff Must Be Reduced)
