Sunday, March 13, 2016

An Open Letter & Open Report / March Across Florida / Black History Month Part 10

On Monday February 29, 2016, I would post the St. Andrew's Cross over the overpass of Interstate 26/40 to commemorate the last day of Black History Month. I would hear the sound of the Rebel Yell being sung as a car passed by where I stood. Three young beautiful ladies would make a U-turn and park.

After hugging the paint off of me, they would tell me that they had been following my exploits since they were in middle school, and they were so honored and proud that they got the chance to finally meet me. And that everyone was talking about my visits to the local schools and the University of North Carolina.

The question would be asked of me, had I gone to Christ School this year? My reply was that my mom use to say that there comes a time when you don't have anything good to say about someone or something; it is better not to say anything at all. This was one of those times.

They would ask if I was ever going to go another March with my Flag? I told them that there was a plan in motion that I would began a March across the Great State of Florida on Friday morning, October 14, 2016.

Why Florida and not Virginia, another would ask?  Or Louisiana,would come another reply. I told them that I had become so moved about the desecrationof the memory of two great men of Florida, ( General Edmund Kirby Smith, and Dr. Alexander Darnes) that typify the kind of injustice now being played out once again against the South as those who hate her and seek occupation with Southern social and cultural genocide paramount for their comfort.

They would each give me a twenty dollar bill, and ask that I use it anyway I liked. I was so moved by the gesture. It would be a fitting end to Black History Month as I watched the two young Black ladies and their White girlfriend as they both called her girlfriend.wave and drive away. It was a great day in Dixie, and once again I would return the Rebel Yell!

Thanks to the Gainesville Volunteers Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 373, and the many Camps and individual members of the Mississippi Division, Louisiana , Tennessee, South Carolina, Texas, North Carolina,Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Kentucky Sons of Confederate Veterans as well as the many members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Order of the Confederate Rose for their support in helping me in bringing a true Black History Month forward for all those loyal Black folks who earned a place of honor and dignity in support of their homeland; the Southland of America.

Your brother,

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