Friday, March 11, 2016

7 Realities Of Life or Millennials have proven to be little more than entitled, spoiled, anti-intellectual brats

Via comment by Quartermain on "Even the half-Swedes are scared": 

 7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand
They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future. These young, uninitiated minds will someday soon become our politicians, doctors, scientists, chefs, television producers, fashion designers, manufacturers, and, one would hope, the new proponents of liberty. But are they ready for it?

Time after time, particularly on college campuses, millennials have proven to be little more than entitled, spoiled, anti-intellectual brats who place far too much emphasis on feelings and nowhere near enough emphasis on critical thinking. To the millennial, words are cause for the creation of safe spaces, alternative ideas must be stifled, and anything they perceive to be a microaggression is enough to send them spiraling into a state of mental distress.

It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show.

More @ Info Wars


  1. Alex Jones "Of course airliners hit the WTC!"
    Jesse Ventura "The real conspiracy is, they really did find the black boxes at ground zero."
    Seems many people do believe the official conspiracy theorist.

    1. Pray tell, what do these have to do with the article posted? Just because you don't like a website, if they post something relevant, there is no reason not to read/use it. I post stuff from the communist party, Salon and other wingbat sites, though obviously I don't agree with their philosophy.

    2. Know your enemy, what he/she is thinking/doing, because knowledge is power. Fighting blind is a good way to wind up finding out what your enemy is thinking/doing in a really up-close and personal way, but usually not in a manner to your liking. :)

      Central Alabamaian
