Monday, February 29, 2016

Trigger Recall : Understanding the GLOCK Trigger

Mine: 21 & 30

GLOCK’s domination of the handgun market is the envy of all of its competitors, yet there’s a controversial element of the GLOCK design: the trigger. So how does the GLOCK trigger really work?

Safe Action Trigger

In designing their trigger system, GLOCK engineers went with as simple a system as possible to reduce parts to an absolute minimum. They incorporated three safeties in the design to protect against accidental discharges, or in the language of the gun community “negligent discharges” (NDs).

And yet the forums are still populated with horror stories of NDs. So what’s the story? Who takes the blame, GLOCK or the negligent user?


  1. I put a 3# trigger in mine. Went back to stock a short time later. Once you learn the trigger it's fine. I like that crisp reset as you release the trigger. On the topic here, the only way I see a nd is being careless while handling or using a cheap or worn holster, allowing material to enter the trigger area when holstering. Both issues are user issues. Anyone who carries should automatically get a quality holster, not some soft getto piece of crap. My wife carries hers in her purse. She still puts a good holster around it. Anyone who has ever looked through a woman's purse knows that there's like a thousand items which can get caught in the trigger area.

    1. Anyone who has ever looked through a woman's purse knows that there's like a thousand items which can get caught in the trigger area.

      Yes indeed. :)Of course it's preferable to have a purse that is made with a gun compartment though still having it in the holster would be advantageous.

  2. I bought her a purse that has a nice pocket all its own for her G19. But you know how often women change purses.

  3. No matter how idiot proof you make something there's always a new improved version of idiot coming along. That's the issue with virtually ALL ND's. Modern firearms are amazingly reliable and well engineered to do one thing....go BANG when the trigger is pulled and do NOTHING if it isn't. I have no problem with Glock pistols being used and carried by people who understand that they WILL GO OFF if the trigger is pulled and act accordingly. Unfortunately large portions of society aren't smart enough to come in out of the rain....yet they have a right to own arms. And while the solution is usually education some people are ineducable.
    There is no simple solution to this problem. Freedom sometimes entails risks and tragedies. But we must soldier on in the effort to educate people and strive for safer products without infringing on rights.

    1. Well said and yes my Glocks have never gone off by themselves, for some strange reason.....:)
