Saturday, February 27, 2016

Sheriff Joe: Vicente Fox Should Be Swearing at the Dope Peddlers and Illegals – Not Trump

Via Billy

If he’s gonna use that word he should use it against all the dope peddlers and illegals coming into our country… At least he said one thing, they’re not going to pay for the wall, but he didn’t say there shouldn’t be a wall. If they don’t want to pay for it then take away a little foreign aid that we pay Mexico.”

More with video @ The Gateway Pundit


  1. 1. Put 100 million dollars in an escrow account marked for the current Mexican president.
    2. Tell him that the money is his free and clear at the end of his term in office.
    3. Tell him that we'll subtract 50 thousand dollars every time someone illegally crosses the border from Mexico into the USA.
    4. Watch illegal border crossings drop to 0 before the next sunrise.
