Monday, February 8, 2016

Our Marxist Regime and Our Land

Via Billy

I recently dealt with how our Marxist Regime in Washington (which is omnipresent regardless of which “party” controls the White House or Congress) feels about the biblical concept of private property. Since the origin of private property is biblically based they naturally hate and loathe it. Any expression of biblical truth must be expunged so “those people” (the Yankee/Marxists) can indulge their lustful desire to play god. After all, what is this desire on their part for a One World Government but a gross magnification of what occurred at the Tower of Babel?

In order to control people, their lives, thoughts, and activities totally you must first take away their guns and then you must control the land (which is always much easier if they don’t have any firearms). Years ago someone gave me a copy of an independently printed book called The Battle of Jefferson Canyon, written by a Don Bowman. Mr. Bowman dealt primarily with much of what has been called The Sagebrush Rebellion. The book was published back in 1996 and similar situations to what Mr. Bowman described in the book are still occurring. The Bundy Ranch situation was one.
Bowman called it a “war” and he was right. It was, and is, first and foremost, a cultural war, just like the war being waged on the South over her flags and symbols.


  1. Brock, I don't know what to make of this and I don't know what changed between last Friday and today, but this is distressing and very annoying; This site is now officially blacklisted at the VA. I tried to read your site today and got the message about it being blacklisted and along with the usual lines about the use of government computers. I suspect that some found this site and took great offense as the posting about what happened out west and giving readers the real American history rather than the official propaganda. This is most annoying.

    1. Thanks!

  2. They don't want the Vets to get riled up. I wonder what
    other sites have been blacklisted.

  3. I often repeat. Read "To End All Wars" to see how Rudyard Kipling pumped up British fervor to enter WW I, then to secure his son special favor and get him to the front where he was killed in a few days. Whereupon Kipling reversed his position. The sentiment in the heading speaks as Kipling being a liar.

    Watching the Denver Broncos victory parade.

    I will not vote for a war-monger or torture advocate. We need vets like my Father running for office. A cherished possession is the DVD interview by my wife asking him at the end "What do you think about war, Horace?" Answer "War is Hell, just plain Hell." That was 50 years after he came home patched up. His two sons, like my two sons are not vets. Thanks to W. Bush and his not-American successor I am no longer ashamed of that. I'd vote for Jim Webb. These Republican girly men can KMA.

    When I say war I mean aggressive battle, not home defense.

    Being banned by the VA in 2016 is high praise. Your blog is a national treasure. I'd pay $100 for the "Best of Free North Carolina."

    1. DVD interview

      Thank you, dear Sir and wonder if you could post the DVD to You tube?

    2. I'm sure one of the said sons can do it. Thanks.
