Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bay Area Personal Experience Report

Kindness of Stephen P.


So here I am in the Bay area. That place, one of the epicenters of lunacy. Once again just living my life, I have been slapped in the face with reality.

Yesterday, what a day, I learned again, that what you think what is, isn’t. In this case I would be referring to the rock star Tom Petty who is originally from Gainesville, Florida. Now I don’t know much about Gainesville. I was told that is near Georgia by the panhandle, where ever that is. Basically I know more about some rock star’s career than I do North American geography but I am a product of the government run educational system after all.

As you may have noticed lately there is a whole bunch of emotional outrage in the here un-United States, over issues that shouldn’t have even amounted to much when compared to the everyday goings on that seems to go unnoticed  to the average propaganda believers called the American public. Now I won’t get into the particular incident alluded to here but if I had a dog it would bark “Roof!”

Now let me redirect back to my starting point. Thinking something or someone is one thing and in reality turns out to be something else entirely.

Prior to yesterday I thought I liked the music and character of the successful musician Tom Petty.  I thought a man such as Tom Petty, being from the South and produces music that directly leads the listener to believe he is a good Southron person rich in Southern pride and culture, would be intelligent enough to understand a few things about American history. I believe now, once again, I have been duped.

In an article I found a few days ago, the musician Tom Petty stated something to the effect “using the Confederate Battle Flag at his concert was stupid…” Well, I won’t argue with that. If you don’t have the balls and intelligence to handle the responsibility of displaying a symbol that refers to you as a “rebel” against government aggression then I say keep your vagina plugged Tom and don’t fly it

So whatever, if he can’t handle the media and his personal shortcomings that is his problem. So to hell with Tom Petty(sorry wife). He is unlike Kid Rock who wants everyone to know if you don’t like the way he does business at his shows “You can kiss his ass.” when it comes to the flying of the Confederate Battle Flag. I would hope that if anyone wanted to do so, per his request, it would be after he has had intestinal trouble after a bad lunch with Mexican food. But hey that is just me.

So if I can get to a point that I find most unpalatable. It is part of a common theme. The same old song and dance if you will. Something that is thrown into my face daily. As of late it has been multiple times a day in many different mediums.

 TP stated(TP being the initials of the before mentioned rock star) a name which I no longer want to hear or write anymore because, personally, he kind of broke my heart. Yes I know, how gay right? Well folks now I can legally marry him in any state of my choosing so who is gay now? After I divorce my wife of course.

Well anyway, this TP says something like “ we should think about how black people would feel…” Holy shit, did a guy from the South, who has an album called ‘Southern Accents’ and a song called ‘Rebels’         just say “we” should all think how black people should feel? Besides excluding all the other races and even using a blanket statement to cover the “feelings” of black people I am taken aback. Really?  Did Mr. Anti-establishment , who  released the album Hypnotic Eye just go and become another zombie of political correctness? The same guy who produces music with lyrics like:

More @ NamSouth


  1. He's not been relevant for what, 25 years?
    His cash is probably getting low so his controllers suggested getting into the media for a product sales bump...
