Saturday, December 5, 2015

Understanding Stupid Political Activism

Via comment by Quartermain on  There Was A Giant Mass Shooting NOBODY’S Talking A...

 Joseph Sohm /

Any sensible person viewing today’s identity-based, tribe-like political activism (think recent incidents at the University of Missouri and Yale among countless others) would conclude that these antics are stupid, foolish, counter-productive, and otherwise ill-conceived or, as the Marxists would say, infantile leftist. Hard to separate reality from what appears in the satirical Onion. Why, for example, would black Dartmouth students risk a life of Riley to harass white students peacefully studying in the library by shouting “Black Lives Matter” as if their studious classmates could possibly stop police brutality? Surely these protesters must realize that their disruptions will be filmed, possibly bring expulsion and the vulgarity (“filthy white bitch” among others) will alienate potential sympathizers. Going one step further, such hissy fits at Dartmouth and elsewhere may bring the end of already tottering racial preferences in higher education.

Let me try to explain stupid political activism.


  1. Here we go again,

    For the umpteenth time, it's Black LIES Matter.

    If you're going to do something stupid anyways, at least get it right.

    Central Alabamaian

    1. If you're going to do something stupid anyways, at least get it right.

