Friday, December 25, 2015

For Bill: 5 Minute Speech that Got Judge Napolitano Fired from Fox News in 2012


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Brock. Thank you for posting the video that got the judge cancelled. No, I had not seen it. I seldom watch Fox business.
    After viewing the links it appears that there were three shows cancelled although they were not named. Wayne Allen Root, a libertarian like myself, points out that one cannot conclude that Fox is anti-libertarian just because they fired Judge Napalitino. Fox has libertarians and conservatives on their networks all the time, from Ron Paul to Rand Paul.
    Having the judge on Fox Business seems out of place. The judges rant wasn't remotely related to business. The Constitution and politics seems like it should be an editorial on Fox News network rather than Fox Business network. The judge was on the wrong network.
    Last but not least, the judge preaches at people rather than entertains. I don't watch television news to be preached at. If the judge is on I usually find some excuse to leave the room. I think he's boring. Maybe that's just me, or maybe a couple of million other viewers fee the same way. Perhaps some find him fascinating; I don't. The host says it was top-rated but I'm not sure what that means. I know that I won't miss him a bit.
    In summary, Fox doesn't exclude libertarians from their network, the judge did not belong on a business network, and some of us find him preachy and boring. I believe a conclusion that Fox is anti-conservative is erroneous.
    Shep is a liberal, O'Reilly is a moderate, Greta is a journalist, Sean is a conservative and Megyn is anti-Trump although she wishes she had a do-over on that debate. They are the best on TV. The judge just couldn't win a place in the line-up on the varsity.

    1. I don't watch TV period and the Judge is one of my present day heroes along with Ron Paul, so we simply disagree. :)

    2. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Brock.

      Sorry, I forgot, the same to you and a Happy New Year too!

  2. Hi Brock,
    All The Judge had to say, was his last two sentences....that say it all.....,"What if it is better to perish fighting for freedom than to live as slaves.....What if Freedom's greatest hour of danger is 'NOW'!!"
    A sad state of affairs we are in....
    I have some land, in a grave yard, in Albany, La. where all the "Family Bones" and those of all those that were "Extended Family" that would "Turn Over in their Graves" if I don't fight to my "Death" to keep that from happening. It's a long, short story of a Proud people... I am proud t be part of .
    "Dodedoodedo#^$^^^"Picture if you will. a tree, in a book by Lewis Carroll from a long, long time ago, 'Alice' is her name, The tree, the Cat has no name , just "The Cheshire Cat" with that "SMILE!!!" and he says,'We're all MAD. You Know!!" Not really, he says to Alice, as he flicks the cigarette in his paw and takes a long drag..."we're just 'Waiting' you know??" The epitome of "Cold Anger."
    just waiting, you know......,

    1. "What if it is better to perish fighting for freedom than to live as slaves.....What if Freedom's greatest hour of danger is 'NOW'!"

      Of course there is no ifs ands or buts about his statement and as you say "A sad state of affairs we are in.."

  3. The Judge was right on the mark. Merry Christmas. Deo Vindice!
