Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Brave New World…in the South


“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?
George Orwell, 1984

The Abbeville Institute was founded over a decade ago to preserve and defend the South… her traditions, literature, history, arts, and faiths. 

Recently we came across the memorandum below from a student affairs office at a major Southern university. The officers who wrote it assume that the elements of culture we defend are inimical to community and destructive of human fellowship. They say that they champion “diversity” and “inclusivity” but this is a poorly disguised lie. For without heritage, culture, religion and tradition we are a monochrome society, the opposite of a diverse people. 

Without true culture we will become what they admit inadvertently in the memorandum to be their real true goal—a people of functioning “workplace relationships.” And don’t be fooled by the invitation to bring ethnic “food items.” Exotic meals and all other externalities of international culture are fine with these people so long as all of us are the exact same underneath it all. For who are you if you have left your metaphysics at the door? Calling the memorandum “suggestions” is another lie. Their do-s and do-nots are commands…they are commands to happy and mindless workers. If they have no teeth now they will soon. What is to stop them if the people have no faith, no heritage, or convictions?

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