Friday, November 20, 2015

Establishment Exploiting Paris Terror to Mask Own Culpability, Attack Freedom


Naw, who would  have thunk'.............:)

“From 2004 to 2014, over 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States,” Christopher Ingraham of The Washington Post asserts. “Given France’s strict gun laws, the terrorists who attacked Paris on Friday may have turned to black market sources for the weapons they used. But in the United States, known and suspected terrorists are allowed to purchase firearms under federal law.”

It’s hardly a new charge he’s dusting off for a convenient occasion—The New York Times was screaming the same hysterical narrative six years ago.  PBS and AP picked it up in 2011, then NPR in 2013

What did Rahm Emanuel say about never letting a serious crisis go to waste?


  1. And if you don't have a serious crisis handy when you want one, then make yourself.

    "....known and suspected terrorists are allowed to purchase firearms under federal law."

    The Feds, aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States, like usual.


    When they outlawed the growing of hemp back in the early 1900's, it wasn't for our health; it was for theirs. There was too much around to be made into rope. :)

    The Confederate States wouldn't have outlawed it. Rope is real handy for working with.

    Central Alabamaian

    1. I got the hundred year old Pecan trees to complete the story.
