Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Harvard's champion debate team loses to New York prison inmates

Via Billy 

Months after winning a national title, Harvard's debate team has fallen to a group of New York inmates.

The showdown took place at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility, a maximum-security prison where convicts can take courses taught by faculty from nearby Bard College, and where inmates have formed a popular debate club. Last month, they invited the Ivy League undergraduates and this year's national debate champions over for a friendly competition.

More @ AL


  1. Rich arrogant punks from an grossly over priced and over rated academy of mental gymnastics vs. older street wise inmates, who have real world experience. A no-brainer. I would have bet on the inmates. I hope this was a wake up call to those smug Harvard debaters; you are NOT as smart as you think you are. Your elders can still teach you a thing or two. From the above photo, I can see that "I'm am so superior to the rest of you unwashed rabble look in their eyes".Once again the adage that old age and treachery will win out over youth and skill ever time. Think of the bragging rights those inmates now enjoy; a bunch of inmates taking courses at a college that very few have ever heard of out debated privileged kids at one the "best" and most well known universities, Harvard. Also it does call into question the worth of their national title. Not sorry Harvard (and all the rest of the Ivy League) your glory days are long gone and I am NOT impressed by you.
    Here is some friendly advice to those young mud puppies, there is one thing that you university and degree can NOT give you, that is wisdom. Being book smart does have its' limitations. So if some older guy, let's say a Southern Redneck, offers you some real world advice, it would be in your best interest to - STFU, pay attention, and thank him for the huge favor he did for you.

    1. Thanks, but the picture is of Patrick Henry College, a small liberal arts college in Virginia founded by the founder of HSLDA and they prefer homeschoolers. They are just clowning around and do a marvelous job against huge schools. If my daughter was going to college, it would this one. Check it out.
