Thursday, October 8, 2015

Alleged intent of gun control vs. actual observable goals


Pushers of gun control state the disarming the population is necessary for the safety of that same population. The punitive measures they are willing to employ to make that hypothetical safety happen look a lot like “he beats her because he loves her”. Or, as the old Soviet joke went: “We will fight for peace so vigorously that there’s won’t be anything left standing.” Gun control can only be enforced with other guns, so it’s all about concentrating military power in the hands of a small group that would keep others down forever. While some gun control supporters may be honestly deluded, many are lying from start to finish. I will address the lies one by one for the benefit of the bystanders wondering what this whole mess is about.

More @ Oleg Volk


  1. I would opine that many gun control advocates are aware of Mao's adage that political power grows out of a gun barrel; That a disarmed public is one that can more easily controlled. Power is the end and only goal. One way to deal with those who disagree with you, or could challenge you, is to arrested them, then have them shot. Problem solve, message to the others delivered. But for this method to work, the general public must be disarmed as part of the means to control them.

    In one sense the Liberals are doing all wrong. If I was a Liberal and I wanted to control the masses, this is what I would do. First I would do what is counter intuitive politically: I would as an open collectivist, state on "gun control" that I don't care at all what kind or how many guns you own. Period. If you can afford to buy it, then more power to you. My bet is that as long as they have their guns, and secure in their ownership, they will let my implement what ever socialist agenda I want to impose on them. They will let me do it if I do it gradually and let them have their fantasy of "I can rebel and resist tyranny any time I want to". But not now, I've got the game or "must see" TV show to watch. Yeah let me raise your taxes and impose more regulations on you, you've got that nice AR with all that ammo. Keep the distractions coming, they will like sheep follow along, telling themselves that some day, they are going to rise up and rebel. Question, if the sheeple have not rebelled by now, when are they going to?

    1. Probably not unless they physically try to confiscate guns and they aren't stupid enough to try it, although if they did, that would get the show on the road. Thanks.

  2. One of the best explanations why gun control will never work as far as stopping criminals from committing crimes. Great job Mr. Volk.

    If gun control advocates truly wish to confiscate firearms, they should begin with concentrating ONLY ON PROVEN CRIMINALS. People with long history of violent crime. The people who rack up those numbers. But that won't happen - because they are too busy letting them go early and plea bargain sentences to hardly a slap on the wrist.
