Friday, August 14, 2015

It’s 460 AD in Rome

Via Iver


Seems like I posted something to this effect before, but didn't find it with a search.

Another American election cycle is upon us, and large numbers of people are lining up to pour their time and money into the sewer of politics, to be lost forever.

This system will not be fixed. Period. This is Rome in 460 AD. The rulers, as in Rome, are liars, mad, or drunk (these days, drugged)… or all three.

The “fall of Rome,” of course, was far more complex than we learned in school, but through all the many years of its decline, Rome was full of well-meaning people trying to reform and save it. And by the way, among the people who tried the hardest to keep the Roman game going were the Goths. They tried hard to keep Rome operational… and they failed too.

Let me be clear on this: Once ruling hierarchies get beyond a certain point, they cannot be reformed. And I am sure that the modern West is beyond that point.


  1. When talking about novels that describe a future dystopia, "1984" and "Brave New World" are the first and most frequently mentioned. However there is another novel, which when reading it back in the late 70's, is as equally prophetic as the former, that being, "Camp of the Saints". Our and Europe's barbarian hordes are the illegals immigrants invading from the "south of the border" (Mexico, Africa and the Middle East". While the barbarians merely burned sacked and pillaged (now a day it is called rioting) , our new barbarians take full advantage of our arrogant, culturally suicide liberal politicians and the welfare /public assistance programs offered to them. Hey, why work at burning, pillaging and sacking when it is easier to go on welfare? And as a bonus, if you have a good PR guy, you can make them feel guilty and loath themselves into believing that your poverty (the illegals) is their (the Liberals) fault.
    The bad news for every one is the objective reality that the money WILL run out. It is an absolute certainty when the Takers out number the Producers.
    I fully concur that we are now living in our own replay of Rome 460 AD. As for the totally corrupt elites; the line from "Aliens" comes to mind: "Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure".

    1. The PTB would have long since been hung a hundred years ago.
