Monday, August 17, 2015

Celebrities want Mississippi flag changed, comment on

Via Bill


Celebrities Demand Removal of Confederate Symbol


I have never trusted the integrity of Bertram Hayes Davis, he is another Benedict Arnold who has betrayed his birthright. Jefferson Davis would disown him if he were alive today!


The Miss. vote to keep their old flag in 2001 was supported by upwards of 30% of the black voters in Miss. The flag issue everywhere is only an issue because the whore press/media/socialist government leaders make it an issue! 


The damned flag that needs to come down is the federal rag that now stands for abortion on demand, queer marriage, forced social association by government fiat, phony fiat unbacked currency/illegal income tax, common core, illegal and un-declared wars all over the globe, selling aborted baby body parts for profit, an illegal invasion of people from every third world country with no citizenship, Obamacare, an increasing movement to destroy Christianity, the family and the rule of law, and I could go on and on!


Not to mention it's the flag that was carried by those who destroyed our civilization and murdered raped and pillaged our people all across the South both black and white, and the flag under which we are an occupied nation to this very day! I say, down with the striped rag and up with the Battle Flag! The South is again under siege and, God help us, now by some of her own stupid people!

