Thursday, July 30, 2015

No Truce With the Left

Via David "You cannot coexist with cancer.  You destroy it, or it kills you.

There was a piece I saw this morning about Sarah Connor's dream of "Judgment Day" from Terminator 2. Seeing the scene, knowing what's going to happen... and utterly helpless to stop it or save anyone.

I see that in the US now.  America is racing towards the precipice, and a new Civil War.  I doubt it will be grand armies facing off, but rather ongoing skirmishes in neighborhoods, parks, etc."




There comes a time when every conservative thinker tries to find some common ground with the left in some area. Today it's criminal rights and the headlines have Rand Paul denouncing the racist justice system while Grover Norquist and the Koch Brothers join with the left to back their reforms. As usually happens, the conservatives or libertarians turn out to be the useful idiots of the left.

Liberals have a long history of being the left's useful idiots. It's only fair that libertarians get a turn.

More @ Sultan Knish

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