Saturday, July 4, 2015

Memphis Is A Picture of Ethnic Cleansing (Cultural Genocide)

Via comment by Anonymous on Confederate flag still holds important values

Watching, in the last week or so, the frantic and rabid efforts of the compassionate, multi-cultural politically correct crowd almost reminds me of a bunch of mad wolves fighting over the carcass of some dead animal. The smell of Southern blood has driven them insane.

To label their efforts as Cultural Genocide almost seems to be too charitable. What they are trying to do to the South is Ethnic Cleansing at its worst.

I read one article where they want to cut an image of the Confederate battle flag out of a stained glass window in the National Cathedral. There have been proposals to have grocery stores ban the sale of Aunt Jemima Syrup and Uncle Ben’s Rice. I suppose if these items were renamed “Aunt Ellen’s Syrup” and “Uncle Ralph’s Rice” and had new pictures of white folks on the packaging then that would be okay. Anything other than that would be considered rank stereotyping in the politically correct (Cultural Marxist) mindset.

Most of these efforts at Cultural Marxism (let’s call it what it really is) have gotten to the point of being downright ludicrous. But as foolish and insidious as all this is, the city of Memphis, Tennessee has got to take the cake for how far (left) you can try to push the Southern envelope and still claim to be “relevant” (sane?).


  1. Here we go again. This time Atlanta. Tom Watson for Communist MLK:
