Thursday, June 25, 2015

What will be the next Confederate flag? The Cross? The Six pointed star?

Before I start with this article I have to correct the national news apparatus…the Confederate Battle Flag is NOT the Stars and Bars!!!!!  The flag known as the Stars and Bars is the first national flag of the Confederacy.  You are showing your historic illiteracy when you call the crimson cross the Stars and Bars.

Now to begin:

Did you ever see a group of people turn into a mob?  Seriously, did you ever actually see it occur.  It’s terrifying.  People move from a tense inaction, circling the target, to an almost chaotic violent explosion all targeted towards one person.  It is savage, brutal, bloody, and uncontrollable.  It is one of the ugliest human actions you can witness in life.

You may have seen it as a child in the school yard when a group of children turned against one.

Did you ever see a group of animals savagely turn on and kill a wounded animal?  Those visions are precisely what I see happening in America today.  The Confederate Battle Flag has become the object of an almost instinctual, purely cannibalistic impulse to attack something, shred it, destroy it and finally consume it.

And, I can’t help but think how powerful that Confederate flag is as an antagonistic  symbol to the Left based on the continuous howl we are hearing as they jump at the colors flapping in the breeze.  Look at the pulsating energy and excitement being focused on the Confederate Flag – just like the mob phenomena mentioned above.

For the mindless, the Confederate Battle Flag has been painted as a racist symbol.  That’s very easy to do; its a white redneck symbol isn’t it, and aren’t they all racists?  But, for the academicians, the liberals, and even the RINO’s and New World Order types the Battle Flag is a symbol of something of much greater concern.  The Confederate battle flag is a lasting, resilient, striking image – vision of resistance to central authority.    The Confederate Battle Flag is the best recognized symbol of the South, of the Confederacy, and of the concept of secession!


  1. There is one flag that should be banned in the United States and it certainly is not the Stars and Bars. And you are correct when the left is finished with the Rebel flag they will insist that the image of that flag be removed on confederate monument throughout the south----the "Hammer and Chisel" gang will go to work! And then, of course, trying to erase any history of the War for Southern Independence. The logical goal of this madness is to have the black man winning the Civil War without any help from the evil white man. As for the flag that should be banned I've set up a special page for it on one of my commercial sites. I have links to any on a number of my sites----visit it HERE!

  2. To the question in the header : Yes all of them , along with speech they don't like, our history , our religion, and our firearms. You cannot stage a genocide until you victim is disarmed . Not just divested of arms , but divested of the moral courage and belief that he can take up arms to stop his own genocide. That's the whole point in the attack on the south . To demonstrate that " We can crush you at will " to those that will not obey . What the ruling junta is salivating for is an armed "Waco" so that they can demonstrate to the "rednecks" that rebellion in any form will be met with ruthless violence. After the events of the last 10 days I fear they might get exactly what they want. You can bet that when the flag fails to garner the needed result , the feds will stage large scale "detentions" in escalation. If that fails , then an armed "assault" on a "compound" that ends in the deaths of whole families will come shortly. After that martial law and the blue helmets. Or did y'all think that the Chinese were converting 9000 cargo ships for military use to invade radioactive Japan?

  3. Agree as well, things will get hot if they continue their march
