Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Military Vet Threatened by City for Living Off the Grid

Via comment by Anonymous on The Last Rebels: 25 Things We Did as Kids That Wou...


Tyler Truitt lives with his girlfriend on his private, two-acre property in Huntsville, Alabama. They live a "self-sustaining" lifestyle with a trailer, solar panels, and a rainwater system and are not connected to any utilities. The city has condemned his home and threatened arrest if they remain on the property in its current condition.

"We live out here off the grid, 100 percent self-sustaining,” the military vet explained. “So I basically made all my utilities. I have my solar panels, I have my rainwater collection and stuff.”

In response to the threats leveled by the city, Truitt said: “You have to stand up for what you believe in. They could come out here today if they wanted to and take us to jail for trespassing, if that’s what they want to call it… that’d be fine with me. I’ll still come back the next day and the next day and the next day because it’s my home and because I live here. Where else am I supposed to go, really?”

More @ Truth Revolt


  1. While I admire his self sufficiency...why would he do this within city limits?

    Although it's not much different in rural areas. We are forced to pay sewer fees even if the house is vacant.

    1. why would he do this within city limits?

      Yes, he ought to be happy to move.

  2. Because he ain't paying ENOUGH paying paper.... an undeveloped lot (no house/utilities) means he ain't paying enough taxes and fees. And to the city/county he is taking up precious resources (police/fire/paramedics) that he isn't paying enough for, notice a recurrent theme here? "enough" The local powers that be don't like it when people can take care of themselves. People find out they really don't need local gubermint, or even much of a state one at that, we ain't talking how we really don't need federal asswipes. There all we need is a small office to send the only revenue allowed the fed, tariffs and excise tax on out going commerce...

    1. all we need is a small office to send the only revenue allowed the fed, tariffs and excise tax on out going commerce...

      Hear Hear! But fat chance. :)

  3. Living off the grid is a crime but cia bringing cocaine into the country is OK.
    One dam big mobster country: No wonder we can't get ahead.

    1. Thanks and tracing the link, it goes back to April.
