Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Has the Virginia Division SCV Gone Psycho?

Via Carl
 Nice picture, Commander Clary -- General Lee would be sooooo proud.


NOW we see why it's called the Virginia DIVISION...

The recent resolution of the Division's Executive Council is one of the most ham-fisted and puerile attempts at self-glorification and petty jealousy to come down the Southern heritage pike in ages. Looking at the pics of their officers on the Division website, you see mature males. But this resolution sounds like the work of a clique of high school girls who've  been shown up by a rival clique.

Yes, our movement, our Southern heritage community, is beset by squabbling, by turf wars, by my-way-or-the-highway thinking, but this resolution has to take the cake.

So you folks in the Virginia Division are part of a "gentleman's organization" charged with emulating the virtues of your forefathers? And  you conduct yourselves at all times as gentlemen? And you emulate the character and behavior of Robert E. Lee, Thomas J. Jackson, J. E. B. Stuart, et al.?

What a load of crap. Y'all don't throw your shoulders out of joint patting yourselves on your own backs.

More @ Backsass


  1. Apparently they have gone psycho. What a disgrace.

    1. Evidently they don't like Susan, et al taking their "glory" away. Tough titty, as we used to say in military school and she is one in a million. I've been trying to get her to a SCV meeting, but it has never worked out. I believe I'll invite her to the Fall PATCON.

  2. The above photo qualifies for the "with friends like this, who needs enemies" banner. Just what the Southern Heritage does NOT need; a lard ass sitting on his bike and some bimbos who need to be told to go home and get dressed (like a proper lady). Yes, I enjoy looking at a pretty young thing in a bikini as much as the next guy,, BUT at the proper place and time. The above photo is NOT one of them.
    We both know what Lee or Jackson would likely have to say. And I strongly disapprove of that use of the Confederate flag.

  3. Ughhhh, as a Virginian I'm ashamed....
