Wednesday, June 17, 2015

GRNC Alert: Will Republicans Protect Your Health Care Privacy?

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After the shameless selling out that the majority of so-called “conservatives” took part in yesterday, we are DEMANDING at the very least, that House Republicans protect what is left of our privacy by RETURNING THE MEDICAL PRIVACY PROVISION BACK INTO THE BILL! Your annual physical is the last place that you should have to care about debating 2nd amendment freedoms. Our general physicians are no authority on guns and have no business discussing it any more than they do asking how we spend our free time, money, and what we watch on TV.

Most all of them looked you in the face and PROMISED uncompromising support of 2nd Amendment rights and wanting to believe it was possible that they would take a stand for liberty, we voted for them.

This afternoon, the debate on what is left of the withered HB562 will ensue. We are still fighting for every inch possible and we are far from done but we need you now!


More @ GRNC


  1. There use to be a thing called HIPPA but HIPPA is not included in Obumbocare.
    Fascinating and convenient isn't it.
