Thursday, June 18, 2015

Commies wave the Bloody Shirt! Now who would have thunk...................?

Via Billy

A day after nine people were shot to death at a historically black church in South Carolina, American flags were flown at half staff.

The Confederate flag, however, is flying high at the state capitol in Columbia, prompting an outcry on social media.

"In a matter of hours after the attack, more than 30,000 tweets were sent including the word "confederate" - the vast majority referring to events in South Carolina," BBC News reported. "On Twitter some liberals and civil rights activists went so far as to link the flag and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, a Republican who supports the flying of the banner, to the attack at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church."

More @ AL


The country is reeling from a Wednesday night attack at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal, a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina, by a white shooter. 

But while Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen and Mayor Joseph Riley said at a press briefing that the mass shooting is being treated as a hate crime, a Confederate flag still flies on the grounds of the statehouse in Columbia. Though the debate in South Carolina over the controversial flag is far from new, it has been stoked by Wednesday’s shooting.

More @ Newsweek


  1. A lot wrong with the shooting though don't blame a flag. It's rare thing to hear these days but there is a lost phrase in time called, "personal responsibility." One person did it, one person was arrested.

    1. Absolutely, but the commies will try and make hay out of this.

  2. Libtards will use any excuse to crush the symbols of freedom.

  3. I am not 'reeling", are you "reeling" Mr. Brock? How about you Mr. Unreformed 2015? I stopped caring years and years ago about "black lives matter" even before it was cool to matter about black lives. When the blacks and elites and liberal commies start mattering about all the white lives that have been snuffed out because of the uncivilized savages then maybe I might matter... When they don't raise a ruckus about their own demicide and unrepentant killing of babies, then again I might care.

    1. own demicide and unrepentant killing of babies

      You can hear a leaf drop in the room.

  4. Why deportation before freedom was the answer. Some humans are too stupid to grasp reality.
