Sunday, May 10, 2015

White Folks And America Are The Problem – Michelle Obama Addresses All Black University With Divisive Message

Via Joe

Image result for White Folks And America Are The Problem – Michelle Obama ugly

In a speech at Tuskegee University, an institute of higher learning in which white people are “not allowed on the bus,” First Domestic Partner Michelle Obama gave the school’s commencement address with instructions to the future agitators of America to – what else? Go forth and agitate.

Her mission is an extension of that of Hussein Obama, to foment unrest and destabilize America. Her message was clear, “whatever is wrong with your life is America and the white man’s fault, and whitey owes you.”

She described the daily persecution inflicted upon her fellow victims at the hands of the plantation owner class as including police discrimination, the “nagging worries that you’re going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason.”

Vilifying the police is a job for the whole family at the Obama house. They’re not her type of Americans. They’re much too productive, too committed to the Constitution and of too strong a moral character for the Mooch and company. Give her some foul-mouthed parasitic anarchist street rats any day.

More @ UFP


  1. Kind of like getting beat up in the bathroom because you're white?.

  2. I will speak to Mooch like I used to speak to my children when they complained about stupid stuff: Mooch, get a job.

  3. This is pretty funny. It's not racist, it's a fact. They can't sit still for too long.

  4. Have been saying for years, turning citizens against civil authority is one of the first steps in the communist play book and right out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", one of Obama's mentors. Blacks and disaffected whites who call themselves patriots are falling for this hook, line and sinker. Then there are those who just hate cops because.....well they are cops.

    1. whites who call themselves patriots

      None in my circles.

  5. Just in case you are a sports fan and I am not. Actually, I don't see how a sports
    event will change a person's stance on guns:
