Friday, May 8, 2015

Police Seize 10 Children From ‘Off-Grid’ Homeschool Family

Via Skynet

 Police Seize 10 Children From 'Off-Grid' Homeschool Family

Police seized ten children from an “off grid” homeschool family in Kentucky on Wednesday after receiving an anonymous tip about the family’s traditional lifestyle.
The nightmare story began when sheriff’s officers set up a blockade around Joe and Nicole Naugler’s rural property before entering the premises. Eight of the kids were out with their father but Nicole and two of her oldest children were at home. Nicole attempted to drive away but was subsequently stopped and arrested for resisting (attempting to prevent officers from taking her two boys away).
The sheriff then demanded Joe Naugler turn over the other eight children by 10am the next day or face felony charges, an order with which he complied.

“They are an extremely happy family,” said family friend Pace Ellsworth, who asserts that the Nauglers were targeted because of their “back to basics life” and their decision to homeschool their children.

More @ Info Wars


  1. The "anonymous" phone call. Right there is a red flag. Must be personal.
    Anyone can do that to anybody. Groundless. Why wouldn't a social worker
    go to the home first and conduct an interview.

    1. Why wouldn't a social worker go to the home first and conduct an interview.

      Only makes common sense except to collectivists.

  2. This really pisses me off, they get swatted because someone with no balls turns them in. Really grinds me

    1. someone with no balls turns them in.

      Brave man, hey would you like a duel?

  3. "Anonymous" is a bulls*it word... Don't even have to have and actual "tip". Just state that you received one, and the raid is on! What I want to know is just exactly what (laws) did this family supposedly violate?? Damn thugs with their badges, eff up another family, take the kids and separate them, and then begin to fill their head with the crap of all the "bad" things that mom and dad have done to them, and that the state will punish mom and dad, for denying them a proper upbringing in state housing, and forced schooling a state schools.
    Yeah, the good life!

    1. another family, take the kids and separate them, and then begin to fill their head with the crap of all the "bad" things that mom and dad have done to them, and that the state will punish mom and dad, for denying them a proper upbringing in state housing, and forced schooling a state schools.


  4. There might soon be one less Sheriff and several deputies in Kentucky. There might be many orphans as a result. They make frequent stops along rural and federal aid primary highways on a daily basis.

  5. One of the planks of communism is that children belong to the state, not the family.
    What we are seeing is the naked unabashed display of communism in action. Create an excuse, any excuse, it doesn't even have to be a real one then take the kids away
    from the parents so they can be INDOCTRINATED. Because that is the only goal of the current 'education' system. Political indoctrination. Every day the abuses grow, the assaults on freedom multiply, the criminals in power act openly and freely. And unless/until the blood of these evil people washes the ground these crimes will continue and expand. Evil never stops willingly, it only stops when it is killed or shackled. Killing is cheaper.

    1. Evil never stops willingly, it only stops when it is killed or shackled. Killing is cheaper.

      Well said.

  6. From a "kinder, gentler day" when you could move to the country and feed your kids peaches - now you get arrested:

  7. I want to go back to Mayberry. :) Wanna come?

  8. Absolutely - count me in - I am either suffering from jet lag or am incredibly depressed, take your pick, over all this nonsense.

  9. Some good ole Kentucky boys oughta get them kids back to their parents!


  10. This anonymous call business is crap. Legally we have the right to face our accusers. Using children like this is the worst kind of terrorism.

  11. This anonymous call business is crap.

    That and no-knock.

  12. If you want to find my line in the sand, just mess with my family.

    There will be blood.
