Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Expert Field Medical Badge - The Defining Badge For Medics (One minute and tough to watch)

Via Carl

CPT Sarah Cudd from Public Health Command, *Fort Knox is only 1 of the 46 candidates who earned the EFMB yesterday at Fort Dix, NJ..27 April 2015. This is her last few seconds of the 12 Mile Foot March. The Foot March is the last event of the Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB), and must be completed within 3 hours. If you want it, you have to go get it.  This EFMB candidate wanted it, and she got it. It took heart, guts, determination, falling down and getting up, and a little motivation from the crowd to get across the finish line. 

* I was stationed there before I went to Vietnam.


  1. Each time I, and my fellow medics, requested
    permission to attempt to earn the EMFB we
    were denied by the shitbags disgraces posing
    as soldiers and honorable leaders.
    Each year, when the competition was held at
    my last command, the overwhelming majority
    of participants were not medics.

  2. After some thought, that is not what
    is bothering me most tonight.
    It's about remembering the bad times
    from 2006 - 2012, and those I personally
    knew (and did not know), the pilots, crew members
    and soldiers that died and here I sit tonight.
    Here I sit, thinking about how if they were
    here today, they would not even be close
    to their tired and well aged years.
    Not even close.

  3. What the hell, she fought hard and persevered.
    She earned it.

  4. If she is that tired after a 12 mile road march, what is she going to do in a real combat situation? And this was a road march; so what is going to do and be like if she had to march the same 12 miles over open terrain? Watch the film again, and pay attention to the very being, noticing another soldier who walks past her as if a 12 mile road march is not that big of a deal. Yeah, yeah three cheers for captain soldier chick. Remember too, that all this abuse to her body to prove she is one of the boys is going to bite her in the ass years later. Go ask a retired paratrooper how his feet, knees and back feel after all those jumps out of airplanes. So sure she earned the EFMB, but at what cost?
    Now I am going to be very politically INcorrect, and if I should offend, guess what, "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn". First the culture that we live in now has gone Bravo Serria insane. Give all the problems the military is having with sexual assaults (rapes) sexual harassment and sundry sexual issues, perhaps, a number of these problems could be resolved by going back to the old school system of WACS and WAVES. Just maybe a certain amount of segregation by sex is a good thing.

    1. Now I am going to be very politically INcorrect, and if I should offend, guess what, "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn". First the culture that we live in now has gone Bravo Serria insane. Give all the problems the military is having with sexual assaults (rapes) sexual harassment and sundry sexual issues, perhaps, a number of these problems could be resolved by going back to the old school system of WACS and WAVES.

      The country has gone straight downhill.

  5. Well done, Captain. She'd be one of the few that I'd salute with respect, and not because of the requirement.

    1. :) Off to PATCON, too bad you can't make it!

    2. Missus takes priority. If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Work also matters, and I gotta do that to make her happy.
