Sunday, April 5, 2015

Will the US Follow South Africa Down the Path of White Decline?

Via Nancy


The fate of the West may be at stake.

In the aftermath of President Obama’s victory, the Wall Street Journal described the GOP as the “WOP,” the White Old Party. Indeed, the Republican Party finds itself in a demographic death spiral as youth, single women, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

In fact, the Democratic Party could become the American version of South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC), as immigration and high non-white birth rates ensure a steady stream of Democratic voters eager for “change” or even South African-style “transformation:” the ANC’s term for racial revolution and ever tighter anti-white measures.

The latest proposal is for all charities, such as orphanages or soup kitchens, to lose their non-profit status if they serve any whites at all. It would mean that charitable organizations could serve only blacks, and that whites would not be allowed to help each other in any organized way, even to alleviate poverty or care for orphaned children.


  1. Bet you wish the South had won now, don't ya!

  2. I would say so as this is by design. It's not like there are NO intelligent people
    left who think outside the box. The proof is all around.
    The following video is in SA where a man is dragged out of his car and shot. The
    man begs the baboons who approach him for help. Nonsensical

  3. I remember little white kids like this when I was growing up. You'd think blacks
    were the only ones who were ever poor. Propaganda. The pro gov. MSM is
    trying to sell one a bill of goods. Behind the farm house I grew up in were four
    tenant houses - they were spacious, well built, running water, fire place heated.
    In other words, the houses were updated as time went on. In fact blacks would
    come by from time to time, wanting to move in one in exchange for working.
    “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.” Propaganda.

    1. My father's tenants only had outhouses and water from the well, but that was expected. They were large houses, though. They got $4 a day plus beef and pork once a year. Regular day workers got $5 and good ones $6. Since my father paid me $6, I was mercilessly kidded about it. ::) Everyone was white except Dickey who was an excellent day worker. Once, a white boy started work and by the afternoon, he fell down. It turned out he hadn't eaten in two days and after almost a day of farm labor was exhausted, but he was too proud to say anything. What a difference from today.

  4. What a difference indeed. How far we've gone down the rabbit hole.
    Thanks for your memories.
    I blame the flagrant changes on politicians and their masters.

    1. I blame the flagrant changes on politicians and their masters.

      Thank you for commenting and the culprits should be shot at dawn if not sooner. :)

  5. Whites were never a majority in South Africa.

    If you want to see where we are headed, look no further than England and Scandinavia.

    Even then, the majority in those countries has never been under arms the way the majority in this country is now.

  6. Can you believe this. Not only encouraging an invasion but assisting: Treason
    by aiding a abetting the over-throw of a sovereign country. Just like SA.

  7. The blacks in SA whom have taken over the legitimate white gov are bringing
    in Cubans to do the work by alienating the whites from jobs they technically
    have always performed. There really is a war on whites initiated by Communists
    and blacks doing the dirty work as dictated by the Commies. Now the blacks
    are slaves to the Commies. Mandela served the rich Commies.
