Friday, April 24, 2015

Reds Out of Florida

Via comment by Anonymous on In Order to Form a More Perfect Union

Last Thursday, a communist group from Florida State University called Students for a Democratic Society spit on, stomped on, and burned a Confederate Battle Flag at the Florida State Capitol on the 150th anniversary of Appomattox. The group was protesting a Klan group that had distributed literature in Tallahassee.

As soon as we heard about this, the Florida League of the South started to privately discuss what our response should be. We knew that SDS was going to be holding their next event, a rally in support of the leftist regime in Venezuela, at the Florida State Capitol this weekend. After talking it over, we decided that we would show up in Tallahassee, confront SDS, tell the communists to get out of Florida, and then spit on, stomp on, and burn the Soviet flag in front of them. That’s exactly what we did this afternoon.


  1. Now these are some good old boys. Yes, siree. The foundation of America.

  2. I noticed that nobody pissed on it to put it out.
