Saturday, April 25, 2015

It’s Really One Socialist Party With Two Names

Via Billy

We supposedly have two different major political parties in this country–Republicans and Democrats–and their views on most anything are purported to be widely divergent. That “fact” is supposed to insure that we have “democracy” in Amerika. This fable has been perpetuated for decades by the media and our “educational” establishments. Folks, I must admit that I firmly believe this fable is a farce to fool the gullible who naively think that if there are two political parties out there then they really have a choice when they vote. This charade has been cleverly played out in every election at least since the Spanish American War and probably a few before it.

The ruling One World Government Elite in this country long ago learned that as long as they continued to give the American voting public some form to go by then they could eat out the real substance of the system and no one would ever notice, or at least not enough would notice to make any tangible difference.


  1. So do you want the Progressive (socialist) Jeb or do you prefer the Progressive (communist) Hellary. As the author states, what difference at this point does it make? Unless the Republicats nominate a TEA Party conservative like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz I'll stay home. Who cares?

    1. Walker P and Cruz VP might have a chance I believe.

    2. I think any conservative could beat any liberal Democrat, but the Republicans continue to nominate mushy moderates (McCain) and loony liberals (Romney). I'll sit this one out for a choice of Democrat or Democrat-lite.

    3. I'll keep voting until the final box comes along or I die first. :)

  2. Paul, Cruz and Walker are hardly democrat-lite. Neither of them is my perfect idea of a leader. However, they're heads and shoulders above anybody else IMO and I'd take any combination of those three. Make the 3rd man out SoS or something to keep him in the pipeline...

    Any of the others, like douche, err, bush, clinton, fatso, dainty lindsey; any of them.
    At best, they're left of center on 75% of their platform.

  3. Cruz is the most anti-Commie of them from my investigation.


    1. If there's a kidnapping in New York, the police don't have to have a warrant to go in, you see what I mean? So really you don't get due process or anything like that in a war zone. So these people are in a war zone and probably got what was coming to them, the captors.

      Ain't his father's son, that's for sure. He's saying whatever he thinks might help him get elected. A big disappointment.
