Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Via Safetalker


The frost in the air comes not from weather.
The frost in the air comes from the fool crown’s tether.
Those who would dare to bring up a scare
Will bring the disgusted together.

They march to the tune of a different songbird,
The crown didn’t listen and got the wrong words.
These souls understood there’s a much greater Good,
And that’s what the strong should prefer.

They gathered together to forge a new plan,
A country whose power was bestowed on man.
In the heat of the day and with so much to weigh,
One said, “I don’t know if we can.”


  1. You really post some good stuff here!

    I wonder how long it took for that poem to be composed?

    I'm REALLY intrigued by that painting!

    What is its title, and where did you find it?

    1. I wonder how long it took for that poem to be composed?

      Me to and remarkable.


      What is its title, and where did you find it?

      Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jeffe... Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson writing the Declaration of independence

      Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jeffe... Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson writing the Declaration of independence ...

  2. If the federal government has its say about it, the experiment is over.
