Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It Begins… Illegal Aliens Demand Safer Way to Sneak Into US

Via Joe
illegal immigrants to US

Not the Onion

Several illegal immigrants held a rally Tuesday demanding a safer way to sneak into the United States.

MyFOXDC reported:
After risking their lives in the hopes of making it into the United States, migrants from Central American are demanding safer ways to cross the border.
Thousands of immigrants jump on a freight train called the “La Bestia” — which means “The Beast.” and the name holds true meaning.
Along the route many will end up either losing their limbs or being killed as a result of falling under the wheels.
Many others end up being robbed or attacked by gangs.
If that is not enough of a risk, if you make it alive, you still have a chance of getting caught and arrested.
During a protest Monday, more than a dozen people in attendance had lost a limb in their attempt to cross the border.


  1. Even the illegals are turning into effeminate pussys.

  2. The entitlement mind set is rubbing off on them. Of course the party of evil (democrats) will consider this to be a great idea; to show how more caring and compassionate they are (at the expense of the US CITIZEN taxpayers). I suppose that many of the illegals do consider the entire USA to be THEIR country with the USA merely an extention of Mexico. Sure bet that Mexico has an entirely different view for those trying to enter illegally.

    1. If you are there illegally, you get nothing from the government.

  3. I say we set up sniper nests in two mile intervals, that way we can train our snipers to be more effective on the battle field. Once a few hundred are killed trying to enter OUR country, it'll come to a complete stop ........

  4. Wouldnt it be cheaper to just build American hospitals in mexico and send the foodstamps to mexico. Just sayin.
