Monday, February 9, 2015

Redneck Ethnic Cleansing Recalled

Via WRSA,204,203,200_.jpg 

Few things vanish from public memory more quickly than government atrocities. When I was growing up on a mountainside across from the Shenandoah National Park in the 1960s, no one spoke of the injustices committed against the mountaineers brutally expelled from their homes in the 1930s to create that park. Instead, all that mattered in Front Royal, Virginia, my nearby hometown and the northern entrance of the park, was that the tourists the park attracted were good for local business.

Now, almost 80 years after the park was opened, more attention is finally being paid to the redneck ethnic cleansing committed by both the state and federal government. “Shenandoah: A Story of Conservation and Betrayal,” by Sue Eisenfeld, a Johns Hopkins University writing instructor, beautifully captures the mountain people and the official vendetta that made them refugees from their own land.


  1. Dirty Communist bastards. The time for doing nothing while the Stalinist slugs
    steal and destroy you land is over. Feds, get back to your ten miles square in DC.

    1. Actually, Virginia and Maryland should take back their land and the Feds can go overseas where they can do us less harm.

  2. That's right. The fed thugs took a wrong turn somewhere and entered the wrong
    country. The same as Rockefeller did to the miners. When the miners didn't tow
    the line, he hired killers to kill them off. If these people didn't leave their land, they'd
    have killed them. In practice “communism” ostensibly results in what appears as a two-tiered structure with a slave class at the bottom and a ruling class at the top. It has no room for a middle class. It fears the middle class. The middle class can amass enough wealth and power to overthrow the ruling class. In addition, the immediate leaders for a revolution always arise from the middle class. Hence, you
    have the destruction of the middle class. Then you also have the international elite
    which rules the ruling class. A lot to get rid of.

  3. When are the states and we the people going to start asserting our rights! Our rights come from God and are inalienable. They can't be taken away but we can give them up by not defending them and that is what "we the people" and the "several states" are doing.... willfully giving them away because we are afraid of what the feds might do or afraid of having some benefit or inflow of tax dollars taken away.

    it's time to STAND UP AMERICA.


    1. we can give them up by not defending them and that is what "we the people" and the "several states" are doing.... willfully giving them away because we are afraid of what the feds might do or afraid of having some benefit or inflow of tax dollars taken away.

