Saturday, February 28, 2015

Defense Intelligence Told NOT To Update Obama on bin Laden Documents & Obama’s Failure

Via David

Col. Derek Harvey (Ret.)

The documents SEAL Team Six confiscated the night they killed Osama bin Laden, in his Abbottabad compound, were deep-sixed by the Obama administration. Not interested, al-Qaeda’s decimated, the war’s over.

Bin Laden Compound, Abbottabad, Pakistan
The U.S. government captured more than one million documents during the May 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Top administration officials initially described it as “a treasure trove” of intelligence on al Qaeda and its affiliates. But more than three years later, the senior DIA official who ran the project, Colonel Derek Harvey, says the intelligence community has fully analyzed less than 10 percent of the collection. Top DIA officials were told directly to stop providing analyses based on the bin Laden documents. The administration had decided to end the war on terror, and no amount of new intelligence about threats from al Qaeda was going to change their minds. So they chose ignorance.
The quote above is a part of an in-depth look into Obama’s failures. Read it here. Read about Derek Harvey below.


 Military parade in Tehran

Obama’s Failure

 Barack Obama wants us all to simmer down about Iran. He wants Senator Bob Menendez, a fellow Democrat, and the donors he represents to butt out of the sanctions debate. He wants Republicans to quit crying wolf about Iran’s nuclear weapons program. He wants the media to stop hyping terror threats. He wants the American people in the dark about the secret correspondence he’s had for years with Iran’s supreme leader. He wants John Boehner to be mindful of protocol. And most of all, he wants Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop questioning his accommodationist approach to Tehran.

More @ The Weekly Standard


  1. With this evidence, should we suffer another major event on US territory, the military must Act to Remove this President.
