Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What Happens Next In Russia - A 6-Step Recipe For Western Disaster

Via  Michael via NC Renegade


This part almost writes itself. It's a recipe for disaster, so I'll write it out as a recipe.
1. Take a nation of people who respond to offense by damning you to hell, and refusing to having anything more to do with you, rather than fighting. Make sure that this is a nation whose natural resources are essential for keeping your lights on and your houses heated, for making your passenger airliners and your jet fighters, and for a great many other things. Keep in mind, a quarter of the light bulbs in the US light up thanks to Russian nuclear fuel, whereas a cut-off of Russian gas to Europe would be a cataclysm of the first order.

2. Make them feel that they are being invaded by installing a government that is hostile to them in a territory that they consider part of their historical homeland. The only truly non-Russian part of the Ukraine is Galicia, which parted company many centuries ago and which, most Russians will tell you, “You can take to hell with you.” If you like your neo-Nazis, you can keep your neo-Nazis. Also keep in mind how the Russians deal with invaders: they freeze them out.

3. Impose economic and financial sanctions on Russia. Watch in dismay as your exporters start losing money when in instant retaliation Russia blocks your agricultural exports. Keep in mind that this is a country that, thanks to surviving a long string of invasion attempts, traditionally relies on potentially hostile foreign states to finance its defense against them. If they fail to do so, then it will resort to other ways of deterring them, such as freezing them out. “No gas for NATO members” seems like a catchy slogan. Hope and pray that it doesn't catch on in Moscow.

4. Mount an attack on their national currency, causing it to lose part of its value on par with a lower price of oil. Watch in dismay as Russian officials laugh all the way to the central bank because the lower ruble has caused state revenues to remain unchanged in spite of lower oil prices, erasing a potential budget deficit. Watch in dismay as your exporters go bankrupt because their exports are priced out of the Russian market. Keep in mind, Russia has no national debt to speak of, runs a negligible budget deficit, has plentiful foreign currency reserves and ample gold reserves. Also keep in mind that your banks have loaned hundreds of billions of dollars to Russian businesses (which you have just deprived of access to your banking system by imposing sanctions). Hope and pray that Russia doesn't put a freeze on debt repayments to western banks until the sanctions are lifted, since that would blow up your banks.

5. Watch in dismay as Russia signs major natural gas export deals with everyone except you. Is there going to be enough gas left for you when they are done? Well, it appears that this no longer a concern for the Russians, because you have offended them, and, being who they are, they told you to go to hell (don't forget to take Galicia with you) and will now deal with other, friendlier countries.

6. Continue to watch in dismay as Russia actively looks for ways to sever most of the trade links with you, finding suppliers in other parts of the world or organizing production for import replacement.
Complete piece @ Zero Hedge


  1. The entire article is really worth the read. I missed it on ZH. Thanks for posting.


  2. I don't see my comment up as of yet which was posted around 7:00 pm
    but here is some info regarding Putin and his oil to solidify my comment. Now it begins:

    1. I checked awaiting comments, but there was nothing and thanks for the link which is what many have expected. Putin is still playing chess while Obama and the EU are struggling with checkers. :) Beautifully played.

      "I will see you proxy/currency war and raise you an European energy crisis. Come get you're gas bitchez!"

    2. I would caution to take any articles appearing on Zerohedge with a large dose of caution. There have been two parallel trends growing oh ZH over the last year or so. Firstly a very nasty steak of very naked antisemitism and secondly an unapologetic fawning over Putin and becoming an outlet for anything and e erything coming out of RT.

      I won't reiterate the the numerous and very legitimate reasons for Ukraine's desire to be free of Russian hegemony that I have outlined before. I will ad that the Russian practice of pillaging Jewish communities and killing innocents, known as the pogrom, was an instrument of government intimidation in the Ukraine, Belorussia and occupied Poland long before the Nazis took it to the level of extermination.

      The city of Donetsk was originally built as a stellmill town by a Welsh industrialist and bore a Russianized version of his name. It was populated by Ukrainians and Volga Germans. As part of Stalin's purge of any wealthy Ukrainians much of the population was shipped to the Gulags and the city was renamed Stalino. (The Volga Germans followed into the Gulags in 1941 after the Nazi invasion.) The name Donetsk wasn't adopted until the so-called deStalinization.

      The Russians might claim Ukraine as "traditionally" Russian territory. The Ukrainianians most decidedly do not.

    3. a very nasty steak of very naked antisemitism

      Thanks and I hadn't noticed this though I only read articles sent to me.


      The Russians might claim Ukraine as "traditionally" Russian territory. The Ukrainianians most decidedly do not.

      It should be open to a vote whether by county, town whatever.

    4. If the new Russian imperialists are allowed to expand their territory by means of Stalin's violent exterminations in Ukraine and Georgia, where does it stop? Ukraine? Estonia? Latvia? Lithuania? They all have considerable Russian populations. Estonia has already made accusations of Russian incursions and FSB interference in internal affairs. The Russians have even gone so far as to issue passport to individuals of Russian decent in the Baltic states.

      Recent events in Western Europe are creating a cultural backlash against those who would make their countries into something they are not. The nations of Eastern Europe are just as entitled to maintain their cultural and territorial integrity. How are Russian claims to territories of sovereign independent states just because Russians live there any different than German claims to the Sudetenland or the Polish corridor? Look at the chaos tolerating Islamic "no go" zones has gotten France. Should we allow Deraborne Michigan to declare its independence simply because they might vote for it?

      Putin's claims of no Russian troops involved in Ukraine are no more credible that Hitler's claims that his territorial ambitions ended with Austria, the Sudetenland or Danzig.

    5. How are Russian claims to territories of sovereign independent states just because Russians live there any different than German claims to the Sudetenland or the Polish corridor?

      The last I heard Putin said he only wanted an independent rebel held area.


      Should we allow Deraborne Michigan to declare its independence simply because they might vote for it?

      Only if they promise to take New England with them. :)


      Putin's claims of no Russian troops involved in Ukraine are no more credible that Hitler's claims that his territorial ambitions ended with Austria, the Sudetenland or Danzig.

      Agreed and reminds of the Germans who were slapped into Lincoln's army soon after they got off the boat.

    6. "The last I heard Putin said he only wanted an independent rebel held area."

      Such a statement is simply for public consumption. Even if it weren't, what would be the functional difference between "independent" Donesk region (now totally dependent on Russia) and a simply annexed one?

      Ask the Tartars how the feel about the Russian annexation of Crimea. Under Ukraine they had their own autonomous republic. The Tartars were expelled from Crimea by Stalin and were only allowed to return by the Ukrainians after they declared independence from Russia. Now Crimea is a military occupied territory. Same with South Ossetia region of Georgia.

      The Lithuanian's fears are growing.


      Thanks and I'll check it out.

  3. Oh yea, and on my first comment I mentioned that the over-seas bases
    commissaries, the shelves are empty of food. Was reported by the
    NavyTimes. Russia is a big supplier of agriculture demands.

  4. Also, letter from X-FBI agent to one of the brother HOOD, Holder. Interesting and
    truthful read:

    1. Thanks and here's another.
