Wednesday, January 28, 2015

“They want us to pay for our own raisins that we grew, we have to buy them back!”


........says Raisin Valley Farms owner Marvin Horne.

This is but one absurdity that Marvin and his wife Laura have faced during their decade-long legal battle with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Every year, the Hornes plant seeds, tie vines, harvest fruit, and place grapes in paper trays to create sun-dried raisins. And every year, the federal government prevents them from bringing their full harvest to market.

It’s called an agriculture marketing order. Depression-era regulations meant to stabilize crop prices endanger the livelihoods of small farmers across the country, but the raisin marketing order is particularly egregious. An elected board of bureaucrats known as the Raisin Administrative Committee decides what the proper yield should be in any given year in order to meet a previously decided-upon price. Once they can estimate the size of the year’s harvest, they force every farmer to surrender a percentage of their crop to raisin packers. The packers then place the raisins in a “reserve pool,” a special holding vat for raisins that cannot be sold in the U.S. Eventually, the packers can sell the reserve pool raisins overseas at highly discounted prices set by the government or funnel them into school lunch programs for next to nothing.

The farmers were always supposed to get a percentage of the money raised from the reserve pool raisins, but as profit margins dwindled over the years, so did the return to farmers. The tipping point came in 2003, when farmers received zero dollars in return for the 47 percent of the crop they had surrendered.

“You can’t work for a whole year and then give 47 percent of what you made away and still keep that business afloat,” says Laura Horne.


  1. We have already embarked on the road to Revolution. What this tyrannical government wants. The results will be the same. Patriots will flow out into the streets and fields in numbers the Tyrant cannot fathom. Most will be tried for their crimes, and punished accordingly. The others will not be so fortunate.

  2. The beatings will continue until morale improves

  3. And do remember that progressives complain about the "free markets" of the nation which are absolutely threatening their very survival....and all the while they are manipulating every market we have. There should be a lamppost for every one of them.

  4. The key here is that this hurts the small farmer.
    the markets are being manipulated to
    drive the small family farms out of business And not just in grapes and raisins. This is the whole reason behind environmental regs.and even if the courts rule against the tyranny it doesnt stop the stormtroopers.

    and if the revolution doesnt start soon it wont suceed. An army runs on its stomach and we are being crippled As this video shows.

    1. Oh yeah, I asked my Cousin Barnes years ago what it would take to start farming from scratch and he said that you would have to inherit everything F&C and would still have a hard time making a living. Most of the many thousands of Townsend acres around Manquin, Virgina aren't farming anymore. Queenfield for the most part is a golf course and Pampatike is organic. The other ones are still hobbling alone when in the time of my father, he and his many brothers did quite well in milk and beef cattle. Just a shame.
