Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ralph Peters: US Must ‘Leave Behind Smoking Ruins and Crying Widows’ Fighting Terrorism

Retired Lt. Col. and Fox News Strategic Analyst Ralph Peters said that the US must avoid nation building and overlitigating the war on terror and instead “leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows” on Friday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.

Peters said the plan for fighting war is “one, you accept that you are in a war. Two, you name the enemy: Islamist terrorists. Three, you get the lawyers off the battlefield and out of the targeting cell. You accept there will be collateral damage, and do you not apologize for it, you do not nation build.

You don’t hold — try to hold ground. You go wherever in the world the terrorists are and you kill them. You do your best to exterminate them, and then you leave, and you leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows. If in five or ten years they reconstitute and you have got to go back, you go back and you do the same thing and you never never never send American troops into a war you don’t mean to win.” And “be as merciless as the enemy, if you’re not willing to do that, they will win.”

More @ Breitbart


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe just kill their goats first, might be enough for them to break down sobbing and be ruined for life.......:)

    2. While that would certainly screw up their sex lives, we need to do more.

  2. Genghis Khan had no problems with terrorists, his quote is good advice:

    "The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy, to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his wives and daughters.”

    1. Huff Po has him on their list of the top ten terrorists and the numbers of killed don't correspond to their ratings. :) Of course what would you expect from a liberal rag.

  3. Or do what the French cops should have done.

    Make sure they knew that female snipers were watching them.

    If they get killed by a woman, they don't pass islamic GO! for their heaven.

  4. Hate to be the heavy here but I feel heavy and bloody is all they understand. When we take them out we must erase whole bloodlines. Leave behind no DNA. Level the architecture and plow it under. No warriors, no widows no trace of existence no past no futre.

    1. Exactly! Now, do you think we can get the Socialist Democrats to go along with it?

  5. Having served in that part of the world and having to work daily with these type of people, I can assure you that they only understand one basic concept, the concept of force. Either do what I tell you to do or I shoot you in the head. This is how they live, it is their culture. They only cared about us being there as long as the money did not run out and they were allowed to satisfy their own base desires. If they could not satisfy their wants they would almost always turn to violence. We have failed to understand the way they live and think. Until we realize that in order to defeat them we must declare unrestricted warfare on their people and their culture we will never be rid of muslim terrorist.

  6. Slaughtering their enemies and each other has been SOP for Islam since the 7th century. How easily we forget that the crusades were as much a political reaction as a religious one. Just as we forget that before Islam all of North Africa was Christian and that Jews had lived in the cities there since the Roman Empire.

    The Arabs turned the Mediterranean into lake of piracy. Those who could not or refused to pay tribute we killed or taken as slaves. The various Califs of North Africa regularly dispatched there ships to raid the European costal towns to kidnap slaves and particularly young girls to populate there Harems. One Calif in Morocco sent a request to his cousin in Spain specifically requesting 600 young girls with a strong preference for blonds.

    This piracy was what motivated the Crusades and the reason that the Crucader armies had to march a cross Italy, down through the Balkans and across Byzantium to get to the middle east.

    Much of Roman and later Christian North Africa was an agricultural bread basket for Europe. After the Arabs swept through the cities and irrigation systems were either destroyed or fell into disuse. The Arabs only interest in the vast streatches was as a place to heard their goats and camels. That is why to this day the Roman ruins of North Africa are virtually intact compared to those of Europe. The Europeans tore them down and used them as building materials for their new cities. The Arabs built next to nothing.

  7. Time to resume our way of waging war; Terms and conditions are as follows, nothing less than total unconditional surrender by the muslims. I'd make the choice so easy that even a muslim will understand it; Convert to Christianity or die. Time to turn Terminator on them.

    1. I'd make the choice so easy that even a muslim will understand it; Convert to Christianity or die.


    2. I don' t care if they convert or not. I'd be satisfied with a public renunciation of violent jihad and an irrevocable recognition of the validity of the Western and Christian concept of free will. God wants us to love him but it is meaningless unless freely given. Let them pray to there moon god and whirl around their rock in the desert all they want. Under free will that's their right, just as I have the right not to and to laugh at their pagan ways.

      Another bit of history. When Muhammad finally conquered Mecca it was a city filled with dozens of pagan gods and their temples. The cult of the moon god Allah was but the largest and was the one in control of the "big rock from the sky". So Muhammad simply usurped its god's name and rituals as his own as an expedient way of exercising control.

      The conflict between Islam and the west all boils down to the concept of free will. An idea that has no place in Islam or any other form of paganism or totalitarianism. Sadly few recognize this.

    3. The conflict between Islam and the west all boils down to the concept of free will. An idea that has no place in Islam or any other form of paganism or totalitarianism.


  8. First we stop funding them, then we stop arming them, then we stop training them, then we get out of the way and let them do what they like to do most, kill each other.

    And none of our kids have to die in the process.

    David Martin

    1. A novel thought for our Collectivists, I am sure. :)

  9. "and then you kill his pet goat". What did his girlfriend have to do with it? LOL!

    1. You do have a point as we shouldn't kill civilians..........:)
