Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Socialist Democrats Embrace A Racist Civil War, Their Tool To Fundamental Transformation

Via David via Ninety Miles From Liberty

We’ve all seen it building, the deliberate creation and escalation of racial tensions in America over the past few months. There is no surprise that it has led us to point we are at now, with two New York Police officers murdered by one of the pieces of brainwashed “black victim” trash that the socialists use as their tools.

Just as the government has warned us against the recognized threat of “lone wolf” Islamic sympathizers, the regime and NYC governments must be fully aware that the inflammatory racial division that they are creating is a time bomb that will inevitably explode with the creation of similar racial terrorists.

 More @ UFP News


  1. The sad thing is those of African heritage dont realize how they are being played. I recon a race war will be a good reason to declare UN law in America. That will go over like a lead balloon. Things will sure get ugly and bloody if the path our leaders are on dont change. I hope it dont come to a race war but maybe its already started. Merry CHRISTmas Ameeica.

    1. Things will sure get ugly and bloody if the path our leaders are on dont change. I hope it dont come to a race war but maybe its already started.

      The administration and their fellow commies are certainly doing their best to start one, that is for sure.

  2. Be careful what you wish for, kiddies. You can only poke the badger so much before he rips your balls off.

  3. 1911 has it right, it ain't gonna be pretty for the libs, progs or any other commie group once it starts, there's so many more of us, then there is of them...............
