Monday, December 8, 2014

Military Times: Military morale suffering due to budget cuts, loss of mission

Via Billy

The Military Times is running a three part series on the state of our military. They've titled it "America's Military: A Force Adrift" and if the first part of the series is any indication, it will prove to be a shocker.

Some of these numbers are alarming:

According to the Military Times survey, active-duty troops reported a stunning drop in how they rated their overall quality of life: Just 56 percent call it good or excellent, down from 91 percent in 2009.


  1. In the period between the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the Global War of Terror, the US Army bound itself in a similar position. The HQ put the words "Relevant and Ready" at the bottom of all their slides to remind themselves of something that wasn't true.

    Life changes. It is inappropriate to wish for war just so government employees will have something useful to do. Downsizing is a normal part of victory.

    1. It's not just that as there are other aspects like medical.
