Saturday, December 13, 2014

‘Follow direction of black leadership’ – Guidelines for white people at Ferguson protest are AMAZING

Via Bill

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Apparently black people protesting Ferguson believe that one of the ways to stop racism is to have racially-based guidelines for white people so that they know their place, which I dunno, sounds kinda racisty? Here are the guidelines for the white racist oppressor from an attendee of a Boston protest meeting:


  1. I'm out. I quit at "show up".

  2. I'd like to see how many fires and murders would happen where the colors reversed and this was about 'Black peoples following white leadership'

  3. What are you supposed to do after they play the knockout game it's you?these are the same whites who protested against apartied and look how well that worked out they are WINO white in name only

    1. these are the same whites who protested against apartied and look how well that worked out

      Good point.

  4. Heh. I feel the same about anybody telling me what to do, blacks, moslems ( *grin*), my stateist government...I. Will. Not. Submit.

  5. Give them an inch and here comes the mile.
