Monday, December 15, 2014

Anti-gun Dem lawmaker will be commuting to work from jail

Via WiscoDave

Democrat Joseph Morrissey may soon be commuting to his job in the Virginia General Assembly where he serves as a state delegate, following his plea agreement involving a sexual relationship with his 17-year-old now-pregnant office assistant.


  1. Guns bad. Sex with underage boys and girls ok. we are so royally screwed..

  2. Why is he even allowed to leave prison/jail. No one is indispensable. He should
    be chained to a dirt floored cell with rats for company. He is a pervert like so
    many today.

    1. Why is he even allowed to leave prison/jail.

      Damn good question.

    2. I can answer that for you; he is a democrat and a member of the ruling class. Therefore, a different set of rules apply.
      I remember too, there was a time back in the bad ol' days that should you have gotten a 17 year old girl into "a family way", your soon to be new in-laws would be having a nice friendly meeting with you, to discuss the upcoming wedding and how good of a daddy and hubby you are going to be. And for this special occasion; the shotguns will be in formal white.

      We do have a word for POS such as him; rapist.

    3. Precisely. When I grew up an unmarried girl who became pregnant was scandalous, a far cry from today, our last days of Rome, possibly.
