Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We Have Racists Alright, But They’re Not White

Via Billy

Imagine this scenario.

A white man commits a crime in a low income, inner-city  neighborhood. After the crime, a black police officer stops him on the street on suspicion of committing this crime.  There is video evidence of the young, white man committing the offense of robbing a convenience store.

After the black police officer confronts the white man, who is significantly larger than the black police officer, the white man attacks the officer in his vehicle and then runs away. The officer follows. The black police officer fires warning shots as the large, white man turns to attack him. 
The white man ignores this and keeps charging to kill the smaller black police officer for sure with his bare hands. The black police officer shoots and kills the white man in self defense.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! The whole nation needs to step back into a tryptophan come for a few days.......
