Monday, October 20, 2014

"A hypothetical situation for pro-life people"

If you were under attack by a pregnant woman and had to choose between dying or using deadly force in self-defense, which would you choose?

More @ Oleg Volk


  1. I'd shoot her! And if she survived, have her arrested for attempted murder of her child.

    1. Yes, just because you killed the mother doesn't necessarily mean the baby couldn't be saved.

  2. Yeah, I'd shoot. You have to consider how many people she's threatening vs her and the child. I'd feel real bad, but I'd shoot.

  3. She made that decision not me. Hopefully the child survives the incident but the choice was the mothers when she threatened my life. CH

    1. She made that decision not me. Hopefully the child survives the incident but the choice was the mothers when she threatened my life



      putting the fetus first when the life of the mother is on the line for medical or other reasons?

      I don't believe all view the choice as above. If the mother may die, then that is a tough decision. The only thing I say is that you shouldn't abort a baby just because you don't want it.
